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What is the True Meaning of Being an Introvert?

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

The definition of being an introvert according to blog post; mindbodygreen, an introvert is an individual who prefers to be in less stimulating environments and needs to be alone to recharge.

It's understandable why most people would mistake introverts into being anti-social 24/7 but believe it or not we want communities and friends. It's just like a battery, your not gonna always stay charged. You have to take the time out of the day to charge the battery to keep going.

There's a reason why they say that introverts have to recharge away from people, its not that we can't be around them, its just that we have to increase our tolerance for the outside world and who we are around.

As much as we would like to try different things outside our home, its just something about being home alone or in a space that no one is in but you, your mind, and your presence. Most of the time it's best to be alone by ourselves. It's where we can grow and learn more about who we are and why we are the way that we are. It's a sense of SAFETY within ourselves.

Mistakes that are given to introverts are:

  • We dont like people! (Which is not totally correct)

  • We are depressed or in a dark place

  • Very prideful and/or stuck up

  • Labeled CRAZY or PYCHO!

  • Mean or obnoxious

  • Etc

Moral of the story, introverts are real people who have feelings and have difficulty finding their people and understanding. Coming from a person who is one and struggle with finding my community, my best advice to those just like me, no matter who you are, trust me when I say this to you, this is a safe place for you!😉


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